Constitution for all Zimbabweans |
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe's party said on Thursday it was pushing for a raft of changes to a draft constitution, meant to prove the way to new elections to replace a rocking power sharing regime. "Of the six chapters we have reviewed, we have made a lot of changes because we have discovered that the drafters have ignored what we instructed them to do and 70% of their content was of their own invention" Paul Mangwana, Mugabe's point man on the Constitution said. Mangwana said the party also wanted a clause to protect Mugabe's land reforms, which resettled black people on thousands of white owned farms a decade ago. From a political point of view, one can then conclude that ZANU PF is using propaganda so as to once again win the upcoming elections. Why did the constitution drafters move around, disturbing people relaxing in their homes with the so called "constitution making for
ALL Zimbabweans"? This is not constitution for everyone, it's just for the elite who tried to blinded the populace by ironically making them participate in the constitution making process. Its a shame for our dear grandmothers and grandfathers who wasted their scarce energy and time attending COPAC meetings. At the end of the day that is what they have reaped, their ideas and contributions mercilessly through into the bin by the ruling regime.
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