Friday 27 April 2012

Mutjani Bakalanga bakanaka. Sengwana webukalanga unoda benkalanga, hheyi imwe zila yezuwa nekwebukalanga gwedu. Be free to comment and post anything in this blog, ndeyebukalanga.


Country: Zimbabwe
Continent: Africa
Region: East and Southern Africa
10/40 Window: No
Total Provinces on file:2
Location in Country:Southwest of Bulawayo and Botswana border area. Most Kalanga are in Zimbabwe; most Lilima in Botswana
(Source: Ethnologue 2010)

Country Map:Political map
Linguistic Map:Ethnologue language map
  Peoples [6]
People Name in Country: Kalanga, Kalana
People Name General: Kalanga
Alternate People Names:
ROP3 Code: 104460
Joshua Project People ID: 12446
Indigenous: Yes
Population in Country: 227,000
Population all Countries: 442,000
Least-Reached: No
Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan Peoples
People Cluster: Bantu, Shona
People Name General: Kalanga
Ethnic Code: NAB57l
Ethnic Relationships: Affinity Bloc -> People Cluster -> Peoples Ethnicity Tree
Submit Update:
Primary Language: Kalanga
Language Code (ISO): kck    Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages: 1
Religion [2]
Submit Update:
Primary Religion: Christianity
% Christian Adherents:> 5.00 %
% Evangelical:2.00 %
Progress Indicators [3]
Progress Scale[4] 2.2   Evangelicals >.01% but <=2%. Professing Christians >5%
Least-Reached: No
GSEC Status:Level 2   Less than 2% Evangelical. Initial (localized) church planting within past 2 years
Bible Translation Status
Submit Update:
Bible Portions: 1993
New Testament:
1999Audio New Testament
Complete Bible: None Reported
Possible Bible Sources: Forum of Bible Agencies
 World Bible Finder
 World Christian Resource Directory
 Gospel Go

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