Tuesday 14 February 2012

So this is democracy?

The co-Minister of Organ for National Healing, Reconciliation and Intergration, Mr Moses Mzila, is being charged with making false statements deemed prejudicial to the state at a meeting organised by Roman Catholic priest Father Marko Mabutho Mnkandla in memory of Gukurahundi victims at Silwane Primary School in Lupane. Mzila is alleged to have said " Silwane villagers should turn against President Mugabe because most of them lost relatives during the Gukurahundi era and Mugabe was silent with the police, Central Intelligence Organisation, army being used by him and his party to further their political mileage."Can we call this democracy or that is what is supposed to be done to those who disseminate information which cause "alarm"and "despondency" to the state?

1 comment:

  1. The past should not determine our future as Zimbabweans lets leave behind this Gukurahundi issue and focus on developing our country!
